(719) 738-2346
Preserving the history of Huerfano County

This is OUR history.
Huerfano County Historical Society
News and upcoming events
2025 Summer Tours Coming Soon!
Walsenburg Mining Museum Opening
May 1, 2025
Let us help you find your story.
As long as humans have walked through this part of North America, they have been drawn to put down roots beside these mountains. Whether it was the various Native American tribes, who treated this area as a sacred space that all could pass through, to the Spanish settlers and French trappers, to the Yankee farmers and Texas cattle herders, to the flood of laborers who came in the late 19th and early 20th century with the railroads and the mines, this was a destination.
The mines and ranches of Huerfano County have long been the Ellis Island of the Rockies.
People from all across the world ‘washed ashore’ here, where the mountains meet the prairie, in search of opportunity and a better life.
Some stayed for just a little while and moved on, while others dug in and made this amazing place their home for themselves and their descendents.
If you are looking for information on your ancestors who may have lived, worked and died here, we have resources and knowledge to help you in your search.

Funding for this website has been provided by Colorado Humanities, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the NEH Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan (SHARP) initiative.
About US.
Our organization is operated primarily by volunteers and donations. We appreciate all of our volunteers and donors who selflessly benefit the lives of others and are working towards making the world a better place.

Huerfano County Historical Society
Board Members
John Van Keuren, President
Carolyn Newman, Secretary
Debbie Oborny, Treasurer
Amy McCray, Treasurer
Board Members at Large:
Vivian Price
Gib Rokich
Gretchen Sporleder-Orr
Sharon Vezzani
Board meetings are the
first Thursday of every month
(Feb-Oct) at 4p at the
Huerfano Heritage Center
114 W 6th St, Walsenburg, CO
Mining Museum
Operating Committee
Kathy Carpenter, Chair
Ron Reynolds, Vice Chair
Amy McCray, Secretary/Treasurer
Margaret Gleisberg
Carol Glorioso
Dianne Hanisch
John Van Keuren
Carolyn Newman
Committee meetings are the
second Tuesday of every month
(Feb-Oct) at 1p at the
Walsenburg Mining Museum
112 W 5th St, Walsenburg, CO
All members and guests are invited to attend.